10 like & dislikes.

Before i start i must say i dont really have a lot of things that i like.
I think i will start will my salmon/fresh onion/lemon juice sandwiches. Besides my family i don' t know anybody else who likes them. fking weirdos. >_>
I like people who can accept other people point of views no matter how different they are.
i like being unsocial. ;D i know. i am a weirdo,too.  i dont feel like i have to have millions of friends or that i have to talk to my friends or family every fucking day.
I like food. i eat a lot. its all pretty much a rabbit food, so thats way i have been able  to not  get overweight.
I like chocolate. it makes me happy :))
I like to watch people running from rain to escape the natures piss. its very entertaining. if nature thinks it can piss on you, dont let her beat u down,show some fking attitude, you week ham sandwich.
I like movies or book about ancient Egypt.I think that just because their pyramids have been here for thousand of years and or own  21st century architecture  is so easily to destroy,makes them much cooler than us. 
I like to buy make-up. i dont really wear it tho.
I like shoping, but most of a time i end up with buying nothing, because i just simply dont like anything. Sometimes when i go to shop and cant find anything it makes me fking disappointed.  Fuck you ,you stupid shop hole, i saved up money for you, and you can fking have something i like.
I like my new phone as well. Samsung Galaxy S4, bitch.

NAh, i dont have time for this i have to go and clean up dogs piss.
 ask ->

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