There is a rumor that i dont have a lot of patience. 
ITs true
so it shouldn't be a rumor anyway.
im already sick of doin 30day challenge.  maybe im just tired, would love to have a week off and just chill at home. forget about work stuff and responsibilities.
I feel like i have a lot to do at home i just dont have the energy that i would love to have when it comes to homeworks. like if im working 12-10 nothing is going to be done, and than when ill have day off ill be running my ass off to get some shit done.
i dont know. i think i just need good rest. at the same time i dont think its the right time, maybe i should work untill my energy levels runs out.   

i have grown out of age when one band or musician is important to me.
i guess the music in general doesnt play as big roll as it used to.
Like i still have my favorite bands n stuff, but i have more important thing in my life than that . 
i really dont have much to say about this.

And for all of the kids who says they like only certain type of music, and they would never listen to this other type of music. get your lying head out of your asshole. 

for kids who like this one band but hates that other one, even tho they have pretty similar music type, but you feel like hating them because the rest of the first bands fans hates the other band fans, because of the whatever reason..... (for example escape the fate fans and falling in reverse fans) you need to just chillax and shut the fuck up. 
music should be all about about music. thats it, simple.
 do you like what you hear? well than its ok to like that band


1- well i have always had this thing for Tibet, its somewhere in China(i think), i believe its like the center of Buddhism. few years ago my dad gave me these books (i forgot their name but i think that the author' s second name is   Muldashov ) that changed my view of religion in general. im not religious, cuz i simply dont know any religion who explains the world in the way i see it. but Buddhism is the closest one. So i red about all these interesting places in Tibet and i would love to go there and experience some stuff for myself. 
2-  India-i find their culture interesting.
3 - Any of the famous cities in USA-who doesnt want to go there?
4- The places with  light blue water , white beaches, warm weather, palm trees, cocktails n shit. 
5- Africa. i believe there is something more about this place. it' s not just this poor, hungry land of elephants and giraffes .

Its just few of them. I love to travel and see new places. the saddest thing about it- you also probably have to have shit loads of money to afford to travel and get to experience all the nice things. 

Know i will continue to eat my ham sandwiches and watch this   animation movie called rise of guardians.


Right, so my tumblr name is Trashteen, i came up with this name at least 4 years ago, when i was this unsocial emo weirdo, or whatever. Back that i had all these teenage girl problems,-boyfriend, family, the looks, everything just seemed to be a problem , and i realized back than that a lot of problems i have- i have made them up myself,i knew that it's just this teenager thing.But i just coulndt push myself to look at my life from different point of view or let things go their own way, i seemed to find the way how to make it worse, so when i was thinking about my tumlr name i wanted one part of it to be "teen"-cuz i just simply felt like it.
Back than i did not have and confidence at all, i tried make other people to think differently tho, but you cant fool yourself.i just didnt feel good enough,thin ehough, i thought i could do better in school. + back than i decided that wearing black clothes, listening to heavy music and bla bla. and there was a lot of people how would put u down just because of that, so there you go i felt like trash.
I think i gained few very good thing from that time.
1. i learned how to respect everything different, that i might disagree with you, but it doesnt mean that youre wrong
2. its the reason why i kept drawing, i might not be the best at it, but im not the worst as well. i think art keeps a lot of people sane. because when you know that  there is something you dont suck at , you keep holding on to it.
3. i learned the language-sarcasm. cuz sometimes people reach this level of stupidity , you have no idea how to talk to them without offending them. in this 21 century sarcasm must be the most common used language on earth,the idiots we come across these days....
4. i learned patience. sometime, its the only way to prove your point. like, how many people u have said not do something, and they are like "fuck it yolo lol" when this happens all you have to do just step back, and watch the bitch die,if she survives "i told you so" is the best thing to say, keep rubbing in their lack of trust in to the smartest fucker alive-you.
5. i learned no to put my future in somebody else hands, instead, put all the fucking effort, emotion, passion,desire, every fucking  part of you in something you want  to come true. dont do half ass-ed work, and let your god, faith or hope do the rest of the job. if you do half-ass work, expect half-assed shit. simple.
right i could go on an on.

so trash+teen=trashteen.
My apologizes for missing out on few of these. It' s been few busy days

Well, this was on of the days when i dont have an energy to do something.I dont feel tired, i dont feel lazy, literary-no fucking energy.
it used to be like that if havent eaten much that day but since im pregnant i make sure i eat and get good sleep.
So today, i woke up at around 11am. stayed in bed for another hour ( i never get out of bed early, if i havta i set up an alarm earlier so cant be lazy for a while)
went downstairs ,had breakfast ( cereals with red berry, and cofee)
i eat the cereals , took cafee and went to sitting room, once i realized the sky is not connected (last night we were watching xmen on xbox, so we plugged out sky)
i gave up and went back upstairs, got lazy for 15 min, than tried to wake up finbarr, since he worked night shift last night it was not possible, so i decided to give him few more hours sleep and then go to town. we ended up staying at home untill i had to go to work. so we left home at 4pm (left early, i started to work at 5), went to smax.NOW we were there at 4.35, i ordered my food, but got it ar 4.57. so i got 3 min left to push food down my throat. I got chicken nugget meal with water  by the way. ;)) with some sweet&sour sauce. 
Then we met alita and Kurt  (shes some blind ham sandwich, dint see us for like 5 min) when Kurt noticed me he ran over to get some of my chips.
than i cleaned up after myself and started to work. And suddenly-BUM no fucking energy, its not that i got lazy just because i didnt want to because i dont mind working , when shit has to done it has to done even if i havta drink 5 cups of coffee before work ill do it, and have my energy , cuz if u have no energy you wont be able to manage even dogs, forget about managing shop.
so i tried to drink coffee, tried to drink all the fizzy sugary stuff you call, coca cola, fanta or sprite or what ever. try to eat something on my break, have a fag, nothing. no energy. so in situation like that u just have too get shit done anyway. thats the way it works. u dont bet paid for doin nothing, right?
So i worked for 6 hours, got lift home.fed charlie, turned on tv and now im watching
"Chris Rock:Bigger and Blacker " its like comedian stand up. hes good.
Right and then i got Fins laptop and im writing this.
I feel tired, but i cant go to bed cuz i havta wait for my uniform to wash , so i can put it in dryer and forget about it until the next moring i havta wor,, witch is tomorrow. long day- working 12-10. oh well, i guess somebody have to do it, ;D

P.s. sorry for all 
10 like & dislikes.

Before i start i must say i dont really have a lot of things that i like.
I think i will start will my salmon/fresh onion/lemon juice sandwiches. Besides my family i don' t know anybody else who likes them. fking weirdos. >_>
I like people who can accept other people point of views no matter how different they are.
i like being unsocial. ;D i know. i am a weirdo,too.  i dont feel like i have to have millions of friends or that i have to talk to my friends or family every fucking day.
I like food. i eat a lot. its all pretty much a rabbit food, so thats way i have been able  to not  get overweight.
I like chocolate. it makes me happy :))
I like to watch people running from rain to escape the natures piss. its very entertaining. if nature thinks it can piss on you, dont let her beat u down,show some fking attitude, you week ham sandwich.
I like movies or book about ancient Egypt.I think that just because their pyramids have been here for thousand of years and or own  21st century architecture  is so easily to destroy,makes them much cooler than us. 
I like to buy make-up. i dont really wear it tho.
I like shoping, but most of a time i end up with buying nothing, because i just simply dont like anything. Sometimes when i go to shop and cant find anything it makes me fking disappointed.  Fuck you ,you stupid shop hole, i saved up money for you, and you can fking have something i like.
I like my new phone as well. Samsung Galaxy S4, bitch.

NAh, i dont have time for this i have to go and clean up dogs piss.
 ask ->


my name is Klinta. i' m from Latvia, but live in Ireland, and i' m pretty damn happy here.Even with all the shit that is happening around me. 
Im 19, working as a manager in fast food place.I think a lot of people don' t realize that it is not an easy job. it takes some fucking patience and nerves.
I can be the nicest person one moment and complete bitch next one, if i have to.
Im  18 weeks pregnant. and fuck you if you have a problem with it. My family' s excited and happy, that' s all i need, so go die.
I live and breath art. but at the same time i dont really have time to draw or paint.
Ok, i think thats about it. :))

Ask me





We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves, otherwise we harden.
 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe