Right, so my tumblr name is Trashteen, i came up with this name at least 4 years ago, when i was this unsocial emo weirdo, or whatever. Back that i had all these teenage girl problems,-boyfriend, family, the looks, everything just seemed to be a problem , and i realized back than that a lot of problems i have- i have made them up myself,i knew that it's just this teenager thing.But i just coulndt push myself to look at my life from different point of view or let things go their own way, i seemed to find the way how to make it worse, so when i was thinking about my tumlr name i wanted one part of it to be "teen"-cuz i just simply felt like it.
Back than i did not have and confidence at all, i tried make other people to think differently tho, but you cant fool yourself.i just didnt feel good enough,thin ehough, i thought i could do better in school. + back than i decided that wearing black clothes, listening to heavy music and bla bla. and there was a lot of people how would put u down just because of that, so there you go i felt like trash.
I think i gained few very good thing from that time.
1. i learned how to respect everything different, that i might disagree with you, but it doesnt mean that youre wrong
2. its the reason why i kept drawing, i might not be the best at it, but im not the worst as well. i think art keeps a lot of people sane. because when you know that  there is something you dont suck at , you keep holding on to it.
3. i learned the language-sarcasm. cuz sometimes people reach this level of stupidity , you have no idea how to talk to them without offending them. in this 21 century sarcasm must be the most common used language on earth,the idiots we come across these days....
4. i learned patience. sometime, its the only way to prove your point. like, how many people u have said not do something, and they are like "fuck it yolo lol" when this happens all you have to do just step back, and watch the bitch die,if she survives "i told you so" is the best thing to say, keep rubbing in their lack of trust in to the smartest fucker alive-you.
5. i learned no to put my future in somebody else hands, instead, put all the fucking effort, emotion, passion,desire, every fucking  part of you in something you want  to come true. dont do half ass-ed work, and let your god, faith or hope do the rest of the job. if you do half-ass work, expect half-assed shit. simple.
right i could go on an on.

so trash+teen=trashteen.

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