1- well i have always had this thing for Tibet, its somewhere in China(i think), i believe its like the center of Buddhism. few years ago my dad gave me these books (i forgot their name but i think that the author' s second name is   Muldashov ) that changed my view of religion in general. im not religious, cuz i simply dont know any religion who explains the world in the way i see it. but Buddhism is the closest one. So i red about all these interesting places in Tibet and i would love to go there and experience some stuff for myself. 
2-  India-i find their culture interesting.
3 - Any of the famous cities in USA-who doesnt want to go there?
4- The places with  light blue water , white beaches, warm weather, palm trees, cocktails n shit. 
5- Africa. i believe there is something more about this place. it' s not just this poor, hungry land of elephants and giraffes .

Its just few of them. I love to travel and see new places. the saddest thing about it- you also probably have to have shit loads of money to afford to travel and get to experience all the nice things. 

Know i will continue to eat my ham sandwiches and watch this   animation movie called rise of guardians.

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